Start the journey

Here are my series of Microsoft Flight Simulator Tutorials, listed in my recommended order. You are welcome to view them in any order you fancy of course!

Please note that not all topics have been covered yet in Microsoft Flight Simulator. Where this is the case I have included instead my X Plane 11 videos as the content is very similar and applicable to either model. When using my guides and flying the A320 Neo in MSFS I highly recommend you install the Flybywire A32NX mod as it make the whole process far more enjoyable and includes many more functions.

The simulator is constantly updating so some parts of these videos may be out of date.

It all begins with a walkaround

Before we can get in the air we need to inspect the outside of our aircraft. This inspection will be completed by a pilot before every flight. Let’s take a look and get more familiar with the aircraft we are going to take into the sky!

Preparing the on board computer

At the heart of the Airbus flight guidance is the FMGC (Flight Management Guidance Computer). We will need to set it up so here is a full guide how!

Finally, time to go!

We have powered up so now we can fire up the jet engines and get ourselves out to the runway!



Now we get to the fun part, going flying! We will look at several different ways to get airbourne including various flap settings.


How are we controlling the bus?

No we are in the air, we need to understand how the aircraft is interacting with us as we fly. In this video we will discuss the normal configuration of the flight controls and the fly by wire system.


What goes up must come down

Well done, you are flying! Now time to use that famous autopilot. Here we will look at climbing with the autopilot and then of course, descending as we prepare for our approach!


The ILS Approach

To guide ourselves to the runway we can use something called the ‘Instrument Landing System’. These are found at most large airports and in this video you will see how to set one up to guide you to a landing!

The Landing

What could be more exhilarating than landing a 60000kg airliner on the tarmac? Here we will see how we can achieve this consistently and safely in our simulator!


What if it doesn’t work out?

If you have to abort your approach you will need to perform a ‘Go Around’. This is a manoeuvre we fly to get safely back up in the sky. In these next videos you will see how to go around and then what to do next!